Business IT Consulting Services
While we recommend our Managed IT Services offering first and foremost as it provides a full comprehensive IT solution, we understand that that does not always fit all business models and that is OK. We are here to work with you and provide IT Consulting Support to you in a way that fits your business.
For instance, have your own in-house IT staff and don't need a fully managed IT solution? No worries, we provide Co-Managed IT services as well. We can provide as much or as little service you need based on whatever IT projects you have going or even just to serve as the backup to your existing IT staff, so you don't have to worry if something goes down while they are on vacation. We can also help on some of the day-to-day IT tasks where an extra hand is useful but hiring another full-time staff member is too costly.
We are here for you to provide service that makes sense and fits you and your business. Below is a list of just some of the areas we are knowledgeable about and can provide services for.
Microsoft Windows Desktop Operating Systems Support
Microsoft Server Operating Systems Support
Microsoft Office Installation & Support
Office 365 Migration
Active Directory Support
Microsoft Exchange Support
Exchange Migration
Sharepoint Support & Management
VMware Support
Fortinet Firewall Support
Cisco Firewall Support
Network and Server Administration
Printer Management
Anti-virus Monitoring & Management
Endpoint Detect and Response
Backup Configuration & Monitoring
Adobe Creative Cloud
Anti-Spam/Anti Phishing Configuration & Monitoring
Web Filter Configuration & Monitoring
VoIP Phone Installation
VoIP System Support
IT Project Consulting
Hardware and Software Installation
Firewall Installation & Support
Switch Installation
Cable Management
Peripheral Device Installation

For more information and a list of our service offerings and pricing give us a call or email us or fill out our contact form here.